Oh sea, enormous sea, wild heart
Of irregular beats, evil heart,
I’m more tender than that meagre staff
That rots in your captive waves.
Oh sea, give me your tremendous wrath,
I spent my life forgiving,
for I understood you, sea, I left giving:
Mercy, mercy for the one who offends most.
Vulgarity, vulgarity accosts me!
Oh, they have brought me the city and the man.
Force your nameless wrath upon me:
I am already tired of this rosy task.
Do you see the vulgar? The vulgar pains me,
I lack the air and where it is missing,
I don’t want to understand, I cannot:
It is the vulgarity that poisons me.
Impoverished as understanding overwhelms,
Impoverished as understanding suffocates,
Blessed the strength of the rock!
I have the heart of sea-spray.
Oh sea, you are as I dreamed you,
There, in the eve of my life
It burst open under the warm hours.
Oh, you are as I dreamed you.
Look at me here, miserable and small,
All grief defeats me, all dreams;
Oh sea, give me, give me the unshakable strength
To become arrogant and unreachable.
Give me your salt, your sting, your fierceness.
Sea air! Oh tempest! Oh anger!
From my wretched self, I am a reef,
And I die, sea, I succumb to my poverty.
And my soul, it is there, like the sea,
Oh how the city rots it, and mistakes it;
A little life, provoked by pain,
I can free myself of your weight!
My strength evaporates, my hope evaporates,
My life must have been horrible
It must have been an irrepressible artery
And now its just a scar that aches forever.